Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Red Alert 3 Ziwen's review. The Hammer and Sickle in the Sun's Shadow.

It's been 7 years.
Welcome back comrade.

In this sequel, it looks like the Soviet Union has created a time machine.
As a result, they turned Albert Einstein into dust with a handshake. This leads to disturbance on the time frame. What they done in the past altered the future.

So, what happen if you kill Einstein?
The Soviet's Premier happily went back to his seat and learned that the Capitalist dog had withdrew their forces far away from Europe. Thing's went well until...

A new threat, that's right. The Empire of Rising Sun. So, it has come to this.
Time Machine---->Killed Einstein with handshake---->Time Frame Distorted-----> Einstein dead = No Atom Bomb = Japan rule the entire continent of Asia. Thus, creating the Empire of Rising Sun.

How simple. Now back to the game play. What makes a good strategy game?
Red Alert has always emphasize on pure destruction. 1 wrong move, flank exposed, that's it. There goes your base.

What are Soviets without tanks? Not different than it's predecessors. Soviet still has the best tanks in the game. They have a tank that can run over a tank. A tank that can generates electricity, and a Russian bear.

Kirov, a shark painted Zeppelin is back and mean as ever. Left the base undefended for few seconds and you will have to restart the mission all over again, XD. There is always an autosave though when you finish each objectives.

Soviets are well known for their destructive weapons. Nukes are banned and out-dated. For the conquest of world domination and for the sake of being trendy, the Soviet will dumped XXXXX fail satellites and XXXXX useless tank to outer space. Then, they will launch it against their foe. How refreshing, at least it is more environment friendly.

"Suddenly. rains of satellites and tanks from the sky came crashing into the base leaving nothing but rubble and a holes in the building." - Allies Infantry.

They are still using bio-chemical weapon though. Green looks good on a dead corpse.

Each unit has their very own ability to make up for their own weaknesses. The Japs sacrifices their submarines to take out a larger force by ramming straight on into the target. Kaboom!!
*Bubbles* Or if you don't like ships, you can always summon air units to ram into the target. Kaboom!! *Burns*

What fascinates me when I played the Japs is, they have no Airfields to build. They have these 2 planes. That totally represent the symbol of Anime Mechs. Even the Engineer looks Otaku-ish. XD.

You can build a semi-version of a Macross jet fighter. Eh? Why Semi? Cause you can't transform into a robot mode. Just the Walker for land attacks, and Jet mode for air. Very, very versatile. I complete the Japanese faction on 8 hours game play. It looks like I don't sucked in RTS. I just sucked in using Soviet.

I have to say the Jap's really does have the greatest technology compared to the Soviet and Allies. In one mission they have this, 4 legged giant robot with 3 Samurai bodies attached together holding a Katana on each of them. Sounds like Frankenstein right? Yeah cause' electricity from the Tesla Coils and electric weaponry recharges the health bar of this machine. XD.

After many years, Japan has successfully researched a method that will save themselves from natural disasters in their own country. In this game, there is one aspect that the Japs are far more supreme than any of the factions in terms of technology.

Unlike other faction, they can build anywhere. Do not have to worry any territories or boundaries. You can have your base miles away from your HQ and set a defensive tower in front of your enemy base. (Tower Rush)

What surprises me more is the Commando of each factions. Well, you have Tanya. I assume everyone knows that. This happy-trigger super Allies Commando can take on 15 infantry unit at the same time. And some additional 5 tanks for this game. Yup, she can now blow armored vehicle into smithereens.

The deadly accurate sniper, Natasha from the Soviet Union can now blow up tanks and building with an aircraft, if you have targeted the build long enough. Oh, not to mention her sniper bullet penetrates over 4-5 infantries like a rail gun. This is awe-nistic. (Awesome and Fantastic)

The Jap Commando, Yuriko is a bloody high school female chick that have really serious issues. If you see a high school female girl floating around in the game. Do not go there. She will lift you up, lift your tanks up, destroy your building with her eyeballs. Oh, and aircrafts too.

Imagine, my Commando, a psychic. I saw her being rape by 4 Destroyers, 4 tanks, and 10 infantries plus 2 bombers aircraft. Results? A red health for me and a loads debris on the ground for them.W00T. G.G.

Graphics are superb. Too bad I have to play on medium. Well, it's time. Physics on the game are well applied.
Rolling stones, lazers and missiles everywhere.

The water effects are very well done. Debris and parts that drops to the water do really create water splashes.

Audios are good. Most of them are Rock BGM that fits the situation well.

Another extra point for RA is the cast. Note that RA, has good celebrity for their mission briefing.

The cast.

Click here for the name. Really have to credit them for their acting

I have to admit that girls on the mission briefing are hot. I won't be reviewing on the girls though.

Here are some captions and screen shots from the game. Enjoy. I hope my reviews are clear though. There are still alot more I wanted to review about but I don't want to spoil the game. LoL

Yes, you can build on the water surface.
Not all buildings.

My metals are bigger than yours, puny Russians.


G-1 ! You are on fire! I repeat you are on fire!
Copy that G-2, Water below. Don't worry, G-1 out.

Ziwen out. Thanks for reading. I gotta finish my Allies once and fer all.


Benjamin C. said...

good job weih.
by the way, told you already,
if the U.S. didn't A-bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the outcome would be like that..

(but what i meant was economically stronger rather than 'empire of the rising sun')

btw, you still have the good o' mammoth tank? :D

Ziwen said...

Mo more mammoth, Apocalypse Tank is like the strongest tank in the game.

Which you can suck vehicles and ran over them with your wheels.

Yeah, the killing Einstein part is the part I can't accept though.

Jap is like the strongest empire in terms of technology.

Ziwen said...

Come on guys,
Comment and shoot me. I need to improve myself.

Ah Yia, you are the meanest do something about it.

No comment I cannot improve T_T

Benjamin C. said...

that bugger is not back yet lar..
he would be and would do you honor by shooting or atleast commenting on the game.

btw, i think my comp can support on 'LOW' settings.

Ziwen said...

No prob.
Coz im low also. Haha. Custom settings it la.

You should play, it doesn't run as much as WOW anyways