Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nazis are now brain cravers. CODWaW Nazi Zombies Level Review.

We will never know, maybe one day Tyreach or Activision will release zombie-apocalypse based game like Left 4 Dead.

Tyreach decided to give it a shot and installed a bonus level for our beloved players.
When I first found out that COD series allowed you to shoot zombies with friends, the game will definitely be a hit. Be it is a bonus level or Single Player campaign, it will shake the whole CyberCafe and turn it into a Zoo that fulls of morons yelling at each other.


This LAN never ending survival gameplay allows maximum of four players to join. The sole purpose of the game is to survive in this God forsaken house as long as you can. This time I will be writing in a player's perspective.

I have to admit that Tyreach did a very good job on giving us the chilling effect that make one's hair stand on end.
The wicked evil laugh and drums at both starting and ending for each stage pierces our morale. Resulting, weird twisted combine feelings of relieve and fear.
Relieved because it has ended, fear because every ending brings a new beginning of fear.
The mourning and the green glowing eyes of the dead makes you hold down the fire button with a machine gun as if it is glued to your fingers. While you are watching the zombies fall one by one, you will notice that it's time to hit the "R" button.

Your fate are determined by barricaded windows.
The only thing that stand between you and the zombies were barricaded wooden planks that had been nailed to the windows.
Rebarricading the windows is a must, if you want to survive longer. But on later levels, you will find yourself having a hard time barricading windows as the zombie gets faster and stronger on each level.

Resulting on a solution or rather extension (in this case), there are 2 rooms for you to unlock with the points you attained from killings zombies. Sacrificed a few points, for a new room is definitely worth it. New rooms comes with new deadlier weapons and allows you to have more space to run around from those wretched brain eaters.

There you have it, the game that is never ending, all you do in this bonus level is to kill, kill, and kill until having your brains being devoured by the undead.

Although it is simple, the game still offers great and enjoyable time to the players. Killing zombie with friends has never really been this fun.
In this game, it has proven that during World War II, aliens do exist.


Benjamin C. said...


nicely done review. the next thing you could do to upgrade it later is to introduce the shitty guns we get to use to defend ourselves agaist those dead hitler's lapdog.

mahai, i really think the double-barrel shot gun should atleast be quadraple barrel. :D

Zhengguan said...

Jews with lasers! pew pew! haha

ok thats copyrighted.XD

anyways, next target level 25.^^

Benjamin C. said...

25 ONLY?

double it to 50 for the win!! :D

Jews with lasers :D