Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The best dreams are the unattainable ones.

some of my close friends already know that I would like to rule one of the mass media industry through gaming magazines. Yes, it was stupid I know. Today, I met one of my marketing lecturer and I told him about my crazy idea, which he replied,

"Good! Keep it up,the best dreams are the unattainable ones". He continued and gave me a few guidelines.

"Before you venture into the unknown, all you have to do is prepare for the worst outcome."

Reasons that the Gaming Magazine will cease to work.

1) The market.
2) The team.
3) The people.
4) The situation.
5) The trend.

The market basically implies on the social/community network in Malaysia. Gaming magazines were meant to target gamers, specifically. And the mindset of gamers, were more on the "product" side. Make a good game, they will remember the title. Make a bad game they will remember the title and the developers.

So, in order to market gaming magazines, either start with a price dirt cheap/ low quality or normal/high quality. It all depends actually. The impression of "price" is really a factor here. Set too low, it will be considered cheap, setting it too high will be considered "not worth the price."

The team, to be honest. I wish I could work with Ah Yia, Rachel, Ben, Psycho and Guan. They had a lot knowledge in games. Especially Ah Yia, with his FPS knowledge, Psycho with his Dungeon and Dragons and Guan with data games and Ben with his photo shooting technique. Then again, they have their own dreams to pursue and their own path to choose. It's just a hope.

The people, since it is a multi-racial country,in order to win the heart of the market. The Magazine must be in at least two languages, which is our Chinese language and English. Of course, English will be the primary language.

The situation, they are 2 major gaming magazines in Malaysia. Gameaxis by Singapore and PCGamer by the United Kingdom. Both of them, were gaming magazine but on different target markets. THEY ARE NOT COMPETITORS because their target market and contents were completely different.

And we have to know that Malaysia, is an unexplored market. Especially for something this new, or perhaps we should raise our kids as elites Starcraft or Warcraft players like Korea.

The trend, most of the countries is focusing in the east. Due to the rise of China, it was inevitable, that one day the developers and producers will be targeting them in the near future. I will see Call of Duty 8, in chinese language.

Prediction: Singapore will be market leader for games in SEA. The Chinese will keep coming up on MMO that has hideous graphics.

In order to succeed, a strategy model must be created to ensure success.

How Gameaxis rule the market? How PCGamer goes International?
They are a bunch of questions that I really want to know....

Am I really capable of doing this?
Am I driven by passion or money?

I had really no idea.

I had been studying both Diploma Mass Communications and Degree in Business Administration. And trust me, everything is relate to one another.


Benjamin C. said...

well, i would'nt say the unattainable ones, rather the challenging ones.

not that it's all wrong, it isnt,
since dreams, as it should be, forms a certain 'guideline' to your destination in life, or as what i could interpret.

Now, unattainable, would defeats the purpose to actually trying to pursue, since there is no chance, why bother?

While challenging, pretty self-explanatory eih :D

Oh yar, i think we have to renew some bets, what you reckon?

Ziwen said...

What I reckon?

Huh, nothing I really can say because the market is so unexplored.

Either we do survey or start a cheap copy of the magazine and show the content for the others to rate.

yinhon 延翰 said...

It isn't just a best dream, i think it is a enlightenment ideas.

Act fast, do it fast, this is one of the key trend of the market.

If you want to start with an informative blog, do have a look this website, www.paultan.org--a very our-owned automobile resources that started with a passionate.

Good luck!