Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009's Expectations.

Not mine, it would be boring if I keep talking about resolutions, past objectives and yada yada.
Let's look forward.
I will be talking about upcoming games, hardware, software, for this year. Expect the best and pray it doesn't disappoint you.

1. Windows 7
Remember how Windows XP dominates when it was released?
Conclusion, this is an enhanced version for the Windows Vista, which sucked hard, and Windows XP, which pawns.
They claimed that, the Windows 7 has already beaten XP and Vista during the Beta Test. Reliable or Unreliable, you decide dear readers.

2. PC hardware (K.L residents only)
I expect this every year. In fact, every 6 months.
RAM, Motherboard, CPU,VGA etc. They will be so cheap that RM3000(USD 900) can at least get you a Mid range graphic card + Core i7 which cost around mostly Rm 2000++ including the X58 motherboard. It's 2009, every 4-5 months hardware's price drops drastically in Malaysia.
So, high end gamers in Malaysia that are reading this. Please be patient until the first or second PC fair is OVER. I do not recommend buying hardware on PC fair. FYI, 2 GB DDR2 kingston = RM 60-65 bucks.

3. Epic games.
AFTER waiting brutally for 10 long years. AT LAST, Starcraft 2 is out. Not until the end of the year though. But it is still 2009. Resident Evil 5 for the PS3. ;) ;) ;)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
People have to get their facts right, it is not COD 6. So please learn how to spell or read the name correctly. Well, not much update for this game. Let's wait until Q2 of 2009.
Halo 3: Recon
Although I am not a fan of Halo, for the sake of my future. I have to play this game and write a review on it. You don't always have the chance to write the game you want.
Let us not forget God Of War 3.
Kratos bring his angers to heaven, to ttrample over the Gods Of Olympus. Wielding his fiery chained falchion and menacing moves of fatality. I hope to see more blood, more limbs, and splattered heads.
I doubt Diablo 3 will be release this year, 2 more classes to go. Let's hope that the Paladin and the Druid will be there. But I doubt it. Please no Gnomes or Dwarves :(

4. GR, Game Revolutionist.
Is a mini/student magazine will be publish by me and some friends.
Just kidding, planning to....but....thought of it. But most people will think I am crazy instead LoL.

Well that's all for the update. Gotta start editting my M.O.M.E.N.T.S post. Quite busy these days alot of outing going on.

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