Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The basics things you never knew about Ziwen..

1. Always imagining and easily distracted.
2. Talking the wrong things at the wrong time.
3. Game is always the top priority. If I ain't winning, I ain't playing well enough. That's the golden rule.
4. Hates annoying people. I can shout at anybody if I am not pleased with the results. I do not shout often though.
5. Stubborn.
6. Yes, I love sex. Just with the one I love.
7. Never explains a misunderstanding statement to anyone. Including loves one. Only explains if the situation is at the top notch of the problem.
8. I do not wear any underwears except when I am wearing jeans. (zipper la dai lou).
9. Famous emoticon : XD, =_=|||...
10. I do not like seafood, can't have them.
11. I like listening to songs, sadly I do not take note of the singer or the band. =_=|||
12. I love Nishino Tsukasa from Ichigo 100%. XD eventhough she is fiction.
13. It is very very easy to please me. Except for issues regarding money. XD
14. I want to have a road trip with friends.
15. I draw and write a lot, just doesn't have the guts to show em'
16. I admire Hyde from L'Arc-en-Ciel
17. Damn, Driver's High MTV is cool.
18. Family always come first. Works come second. Depending on the situation XP.
19. I pledge my loyalty and all my love to my girlfriend. No matter how often I look at girls or chatting about them with my friends.
20. Nothing comes between me and my dream.
21. My dream is to take over the world.Muahahaha.
22. I always talk to myself when I am alone.


Zhengguan said...

i baca baca....and i needa comment a bit.

1st hor, Aya Tojo is way better. black LONG hair gals are hotter.
2nd hor, there are many many others better than Tsukasa
3rd hor, u like to commando oso wan to let the world noe meh...
4th hor, i will always remember wat u told me about fresh pussy...mwahahahahahaha

Ziwen said...

1st. Aya Toujo too shy la...cannot live up to my expectations.
2nd. True but i still like her more.
3rd. LoL...u jealous i can do that is it .. U need to train first...then when u biasa already its good.
4th. Yes, they are our vitamins and every time u also mention first with Ah Yia. XD

akira-rae said...

haha, this post is so funny.

1) since both you and zheng guan don't like seafood, next time all your prawns from you guys punya char kuey teow, GIVE ME. fishballs from your noodles, GIVE ME. everything seafood you dowan, GIVE ME, bwahahahaha i'm so greedy.

2) Ziwen has good taste in men XD

cos Hyde is very very handsome and i love him very very much. actually, almost all Visual-Kei singers are very cool =)