Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heroic Villains *Upgraded Version8

For every moment, there will be heroes and villains. Some villains will always live on our heart and some will always scares the shit out of us and some.... are so annoying but they will still make our day.

From the rising dead to an a computer A.I. This post will be about my Most Fav. Villain list of all times.

There is nothing behind me!

Tyrannosaurus - Rex.
Dino Crisis, tomb raider,Turok, Jurassic park ? lol
Fav quote: T-rex cries

What is more fearsome than confronting a reptile with huge fangs and while you are low on ammo. What if you have full ammo, it is immune to bullets. =_=

In Dino Crisis, the T-Rex is very well known for it seismic effect it cause when it's walking.
And then the good ol' shout cries it releases. So, you have 2 choices. Waste ammo or Flee.

Devastatingly deadly and living up to it's expectations. Dino food will be served with you as the main dish if you get careless. No to mention it takes a lot of efforts to kill it. The T-Rex serve it purpose well keeping you preoccupied, stunned and busy. (stopping power) XD. It sure is the one of the best villain of all time. I wanna play Dino Crisis again. T_T

I wear make up, I am EMO

Cefca Pallazo or Kefka
Final Fantasy 6
SNES, Playstation.

And you all thought it was Sephiroth when it comes to FF series. How amusing. For the real hardcore fan like me, Kefka is a 100% master among bastards. He is evil, insane, and hateful towards existence itself.

As the Boss, he is punishingly difficult and frustrated. I loaded for maybe more than a 100 times.
And I beaten him out of pure luck. Damn.

Not only he is annoying, dispatching those Magitek Armors and summon monsters. His laughs still echoed in my eardrums. He poisoned the city rivers and killing everyone. Yes, the ultimate form of evil. Defeating him makes my day. He is a sad clown.

All Hail Britannia...opps I mean MGS 4

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots.
Liquid Ocelot
Playstation 3.
Fav. Quote : SNAKE !!

Booyah! One of the most memorable villain of all time. He loves war and afraid that warriors like him will be discarded if peace kicks in. Ocelot hopes that hatred brings more hatred, conflicts will be left unresolved.
Creating a new world which it will be a free world, without rules, without a system.
Heck, that is one helluva dream. He has all the traits of a villain. Persistent, sneaky, cunning, smart, he can put up a fight, super soldier.

A true masterpiece of villain. The fusion of evil and greater evil. This is the true villains that will really be somewhere in our heart. Superb Villain.

I think a video is better to prove he is such a badass.

Darlie Double Cross Action Toothpaste

Resident Evil series.
Fav quote: Stars...........
A total badass experiment that can rips of limbs. It runs, uses weapon, and never dies.
What is more horrific than shooting something it never dies. It chases you from map to map.
Just when you thought you were safe from the onslaught. It suddenly crashes through the windows and chokes the living hell out of you.

Nemesis vital points:
Instead of moaning like a drunkard zombie. It rushes and lunge a fist towards your face.
It is hideous.
It can shoot down a helicopter with it's rocket launcher.
Here are some memorable moments of fighting it.

You prefer horizontal or vertical? Or both?* Slashes*

Devil May Cry 3
Fav quotes: .... none....
Playstation 2/ PC.

The evil twin brother of Dante and the sons of Sparda. Unlike any other villain, Virgil is very cool and can kick serious ass. He has always wanted more power. In the end, trying to kill his own brother and obtained the power of Sparda without regarding what happens to the human world.

Handsome, cool, wields a katana named Yamato.
Get the game, beat it and play as him. LoL. He is as tough as Dante though.

I'm blind not deaf.

Illidan Stormrage, The Betrayer.
Warcraft 3, WOW

He is one sad case.
Dumped by his beloved,Tyrande
Being imprisoned for 10,000 years,
Being discriminated by his own brother, Malfurion
Having someone which is annoying hunting you around for the rest of your life, Maive

It's like the whole world is against him. Hell, if I were him I will become a Villain too.
and A very powerful one indeed.

I will be twice the King my father was.

King Arthas Menethil
Warcraft 3, WOW: WOTLK

Driven by vengeance.
Arthas slayed his own people in his own hands rather than having them turning into the undead.
Driven by vengeance,
He chased his foe all the way to Northtrend and stumbles upon a cursed runeblade,Frostmourne.
Corrupted by the blade and driven by vengeance,
He successfully vanquished the undead force and sailed back to Lordaeron.
Corrupted by the blade,
He killed his father and allows the undead to overtake the city.

I shall always remember how innocent he was when he was a noble Paladin.

The gas mask is cool....

Psycho Mantis
Metal Gear Solid

This is one of the most classic gameplays that I have ever stumbles upon.
Before the boss fight. He will have a little chat with you.
Then he will displays his powers. Like,
reading your memory card, fucking with the TV screen, makes your controller vibrates. As a result, this is making it far more personal.
At first he puts up a rather difficult fight. Reading every movement you have while you are fighting him. Not until.....
You received a codec call, instructing you to remove your controller from Player 1 port and connects into the Player 2 port to defeat this guy.
Hideo Kojima is a genius!

Gotta get ready for a date. Until next time.


Benjamin C. said...

Good job with the post...

If PC Gamer doesn't hire you,
we start our own Magazine Publishing Company...

and we shall name it...

A.F.C. :D

p/s: you left out me as one of the villains by the way

akira-rae said...

hello Ben, what do you mean, ...if PC Gamer doesn't hire you, we...?

*dushes Ben on the head*

hahahahaha XD

Ziwen, i have faith in you, you can do it! =)

Zhengguan said...

eh dood! sorry to be a pooper man, but Illidan and Tyrande never ever had anything between them. So you can't say he got dumped..

Ziwen said...

Same la..rejected love.
Kesian him though.

Total opposite of Arthas.

akira-rae said...

I laughed myself silly at the "Darlie Double Cross Action Toothpaste" caption.

Never thought of it that way, freaking funny weih XD

Ziwen said...

If I can't enter PC gamer..
I will maybe try opening a media center. LOL

Benjamin C. said...

i wasn't being negative.

i was helping him to keep his options open.

planning ahead always has its advantages :D