Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What's next?

*Depicted from IGN.*
The games industry keeps evolving- but how far has it go? Being honest, I have no idea what infinite possibilities will the creators create and what they can think of anymore.
While you are sitting in front of the TV playing your future-proof video game consoles, you have no idea when it will be replaced or it's outdated again.

In this post, I will be telling you what is going on the games industry and share some of my opinions on them. *You will find my post more Malaysia oriented.*

3D gaming.

Yes, put on the Rayband 3D glasses by Nvidia and you will see bullets flying out of your tv screens.

Other than movies, you will now experience 3D at your own monitor, it's easy all they have to do is to shrink the size of the cinema screen into a size of an average monitor right? Ok, back to the topic.

Nvdia developed their GeForce 3D Vision which is a 3D solution cost around 200USD$ which is aprox around RM 800. Instead of using the usual polarised glasses of other systems, it uses powered active shutter glasses and a transmitter for the glasses, which results in a very convincing impression of depth. You can also adjust the level of depth on the fly. Nuff readin'. Images talk.

I don't think you are interested on how it works.

In case your are interested, other than getting the 3D vision pack, you will still need a display that can handle this monster- this means a display that can refresth up to 120Hz and can be dual link DVI or a DLP HDTV. Not to mention, a GeForce Graphic Card that supports this tech. Here is a list of the supported GPU.

Once you are done, you can go gaming straight away- You will be amazed by the numbers of games that will work with the system, including the zombie shooting Left 4 Dead, the never ending MMO WoW: WoTLK, building hopping Mirror's Edge and the epic world war 2 shooter Call of Duty World at War. Click here for the list games.

How bout the PC?- Most monitors like iZ3D also has 3D-ready LCDs
What about ATI? - Yes, it can be paired with ATI Radeon cards.

In my opinion, I am not a fan of 3D although it look nice, wearing glasses while playing is abit odd, what about for people who have high power glasses? Do they have to take out their glasses and play like Illidan?I hope not...

Conclusion, 3D is really a hit for gamers, it still needs time to mature and newer models to be release. A very innovative concept.

Scale of Amazement: WOW.

Blu-Ray Super Disc.

I think they should come up with a new name? Who cares? All you want to know is the capacity this baby can hold. Thanks to Pioneer's new golden-bluish circle technology, which packs 16 layers into one disc, and each of them can hold 25 GB. 25x16 layers... 400 GB storage capacity in total. The best news is you don't need a new type of Blu Ray writer to read this baby. The advantages are so clear- more 1080p content can be packed into film/tv releases.

More space equals to more gameplay's duration on a video game. I can imagine the developers fitting their sweat and effort into this DVD.

The girl....*cough* sorry...I mean the disc looks quite transparent.

The girl *cough*.. Damn it....

Really there is no point of debating since the price is not out yet and most of us were still using DVD writers. Still, 400 GB is fascinating but do we really need that kind of memory? Like money, it is never ever enough.

Pirates will be happy as they can compile movies, games into one DVD and sell it dirt cheap. Well, at least you don't need a huge collection of DVDs anymore...or is it?

Scale of Amazement: Expected.

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screens.

I bet you can't bend your display.

The super ultra thin display that produces greater colour reproduction, excellent viewing angle (bye bye flare) and helluva refresh rate. SONY released the first commercial model, although 11 inch screen seems small and the price is definitely not cheap, which cost around USD 2500 but at least the technology is there.

Perhaps in the near future, larger screens would follow, and when the technology matures, the price will gradually drops. It is just a prediction but certainly not in 2009.

I see no flare...notice her two things near the screen? Look how small it is...the gap between the fingers. How thin can it get? It's from Samsung btw.

Explain the tech you say? Unlike LCD screens, OLED do not require a backlight to function. Resulting, a lower consumption rate and making the display much more thinner than a LCD.
Since OLED do not require any backlight, the display can still be seen even at a 90 degrees angle.

But, it is still an organic material, which means it has a limited lifespan, nevermind that they will soon figure out a way to prolong the lifespans for this Gizmo.

Scale of Amazement: I can fit this display through my door ledge.

Upgrades!?? AGAIN??

It's a scene, and it's a goddamn arms race by both Nvidia and AMD, who will rise as the new supreme ruler this year? You decide.

Intel's Larrabee: Intel's decide to join the AMD and Nvidia market with itis new GPU/CPU hybrid. Will this darkhorse win? Or will it ever see the light of day in 2009? I wonder...

DX 11: DX 10 dissapoint us......but this time they promise us (once again) that the new DX 11 proves to be far more superior than it's predecessor. The first tier of video cards will be released at the end of 2009, look forward to it.

New PhysX Comes Of Age: CUDA based GPU with PhsyX technology in one package.... we shall see.

New CPUs from AMD and Intel:....Yes, perhaps your CPU is outdated again.

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