Thursday, July 15, 2010

I realized something.....

Well... there are times when you are really depressed despite nothing happen to you. Like now. For me at least.

I love my job. Meeting with different people, socializing with different people and sharing thoughts with different people. Although it is not everyone's cup of tea but I think I like the feeling of meeting different people occasionally.

What is there to complain?

You have a job.

You have a good result in your new college.

You have a girlfriend of four years and its considered as a stable relationship.

But why are you still not satisfied and happy like the others?

I went to Kampar for a vacation. I thought that I need some rest and some thinking.

Brought the PSP along. Tapped it. Played it. Throughout the day and night figured out nothing.

Until I left one of my belongings there at Kampar. It was my thumb drive that filled with Tenacious D songs... must.. have rocket sauce...and a dose of daily Jack Black's songs.....

Thanks to that incident.... I realized what has been missing, something that I must do before I graduate, something that I wanted to do long long time ago.

I will take my time to explain. It will be a lengthy post.

The situation now is like the bag in Kampar.

I left my dreams there.

I left my dreams because I am content with what I have, with what I own, and with what I desired.

The dream I wanted....

Small dreams: I want to organize a LAN College

Big dreams : I want to work for any "insert name here" Entertainment Gaming Corporation

I've said it. I had came out with the proposal.

Now what I need is petitions from the higher ups and some sponsors.

And my thumb drive in Kampar.

The best dreams are the unattainable ones. - Lazard from Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core.

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